Watched fields [Previous | Next]

Product management -> Synchronization -> Watched fields 


The watched fields tool in SalesWarp enables any change made to a pricing field of a product attribute in SalesWarp, to be automatically reflected in that products price on its linked storefronts. This enables you to update prices across multiple storefronts by simply editing the pricing of your product in SalesWarp.


By default this feature works with the unit price and MSRP fields of a products pricing, however, any custom pricing field can be used with the watched fields tool.


NOTE: Any custom pricing field you want to use with the watched fields tool needs to be of type "number". For more information on creating custom product attributes, visit the product attribute section of this manual.


To create a watched field in SalesWarp navigate to Products -> Synchronize -> Watched Fields.


Once on the watched fields page, click on the "Add New Watched Field" button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.


You will now be on the new watched field page.


Using the field drop down menu, select the pricing field you would like to watch.


Once you have selected a the field to watch, click save in the upper right hand corner.


You will now see your watched field on the watched fields page.


You can click "unwatch" to stop watching the field. If you want to re-enable that watched field you will need to make a new watch field for that field.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact us at